
NEON RAY JIO V04-07 FIRMWARE FLASH FILE, NEON_RAY_V06_20190829__OPM2.171019.012__NEON_RAY .rar 6


NEON RAY JIO V04-07 UNLOCKED This flash file will help you to fix the following: Factory Reset,  Remove user lock ie PIN/PASSWORD etc,  Hung on the logo and other software related issues,  Unlocking,  For: V04, V05, V06, V07,  1. SP9832E Safaricom NEON RAY 8.1.0 SFC_NEON_RAY_V07_20191126 2. NEON  RAY  V06 20190829  OPM2.171019.012 NEON RAY.rar Note! If a file asked for a password please use JuJuMobiug

Date 2021-12-25 19:33:08
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